7/7/23 | My Omnibus Court Appearance
My newly issued patent is entered as evidence right before the judge declares me incompetent and unable to understand the charges against me or aid in my own defense..
Now that you see what Dr. Jill Rogstad’s testimony was while under oath in court compare that to what she wrote in the report she wrote about me as it relates to my supposed ‘abuse/misuse’ of my Adderall prescription -
The only thing I ended up doing ‘wrong’ apparently was being candid and honest during my meeting with Dr. Rogstad as what she ended up doing ultimately was cherry picking various statements of mine in regards to her questions and then completely restructuring them into something that served to substantiate the completely fabricated narrative that she ended up presenting in her final ‘report’ about me. This becomes very clear in regards to my supposed ‘adderall abuse’ which was in fact one of the very last questions she asked me during our approximately two hour meeting that took place - that being “Have you ever misused or abuse your adderall prescription?” to which I replied “No. But I have taken additional doses before during extremely long days”
The red highlighted text, specifically the footnote on the above page was in fact specifically what I was referring to when I answered the question originally in our meeting - which as I mentioned was asked at the very end of the meeting as it was wrapping up and which had zero additional discussions or clarifications but which she ends up focusing on very intently and ultimately lying about in her report.
When the judge mentions my statement about my Adderall being ‘fast acting’ what that is referring to is ‘instant release’ as opposed to ‘extended release’ Adderall. My reason for mentioning it at all being that the documented time which IR Adderall remains effective is approximately 4 hours and my ‘officially prescribed dose’ is to take adderall two times a day which equals approximately 8 hours of the medication actually being ‘active’ - THEREFORE - If I end up being locked in Coachella overnight with the task of reconstructing Bad Bunny’s damaged Mainstage set piece for his performance the following afternoon during the second week of Coachella 2019 (of which the set construction had to begin hours in advance) it would stand to reason that it would be required for me to work extremely long and unusual hours in order to successfully complete a project which hundreds of thousands of people were going to view live in the audience onsite at Coachella and which millions more would be viewing online during the live Coachella broadcast of his performance.
The question ends up becoming a simple ‘math test question’ -
If one ‘dose’ of Matt’s ‘IR Adderall’ prescription remains active for approximately 4 hours but Matt has now been forced to work 20 hours straight in order to successfully complete the task assigned to him or else end up failing in spectacular fashion in front of millions of people (which would put Matt’s career and financial well being at risk) how many doses would Matt now be required to take in order to successfully complete the task assigned to him while still benefiting from the affects of his prescribed ADHD medicine that helps him to stay focused?
It’s also important to take into account the fact that it’s amazing that I was even able to get a bunch of the acrylic re-cut, assembled, and wired in the first place completely last minute and the extenuating circumstances surrounding what I needed to accomplish which was all a result of the set piece not being properly protected and sustaining significant damage prior to Bad Bunny’s performance the second week of Coachella (which we only ended up finding out about on Wednesday or Thursday afternoon prior to his upcoming weekend performance..)
If you would like to see for yourself specifically what I am referring to simply click on the link above, scroll down to the section titled ‘Set Build at Coachella’ and then expand all of the pictures by clicking the button at the bottom right which is labeled ‘More Set Build’ to display all of the images - That picture of the damaged center eye (pupil) is me locked in Coachella overnight by myself the second week during which I single handedly completely rebuilt the entire piece in time for Bad Bunny’s performance which was technically the same day / following afternoon. I didn’t even have any meal tickets given to me and so I had to go the entire night without any food. I took those pictures of the palm trees where you see the fence as the sun was coming up the next morning.
I ended up getting lucky as this area was right next to a company that specialized in on-site lighting and so they helped me out by firing up one of their portable lighting rigs so that I could see everything and not have to use only a flashlight and head lamp during the process of rebuilding it.
It’s called ‘busting ass and making the show happen’ - there is no ‘schedule’ when you are operating at this level of the game as many artists and performers involved in the business of ‘live events’ and ‘entertainment’ will all tell you…
This was not the first time something like this happened which required me to suddenly be required to work extremely long hours - It’s also worth noting that when you are under this much pressure with what essentially amounts to carrying ‘the weight of the world on one’s shoulders’ that it is in fact adrenaline which has the biggest effect on my endurance and ‘drive’ in general as opposed to my adderall prescription - Meaning that what is mainly driving me is a fear of failure and the realization that it’s entirely up to me in terms of whether or not a project is going to succeed or not which has extremely profound affects on ones mental state overall and definitely aids in the ability to ‘stick it out’ and push through some of the craziest last minute challenges ever…of which I have never failed a single time ever since my initial move to Los Angeles in 2014 - which is pretty crazy and still hard for me to believe sometimes in hindsight. If you only knew how close every single project was to failing….then you’d understand.
Since we’re on the topic of Adderall I guess it’s also worth addressing what I perceive to be a somewhat negative stigma surrounding it - That being that it seems like people who hold negative opinions or like to mention it in a negative light are the same people who have either taken it before without ever having any legitimate need for it or who have been around others who take it and have no business doing so. What I mean by this is that unless you actually suffer from ADD / ADHD you will never be able to understand that it in fact has the completely opposite affect compared to someone who takes it for recreation or has a prescription for it and shouldn’t.
I say this as someone who personally knows people whose lives are very clearly much worse off because of their adderall prescription as they require it to even be able to get out of bed and function which becomes a rather large problem when they consistently go through a one months prescription in two weeks. People who don’t actually need it turn into tweakers pretty much whereas I can take my prescribed dose and go to sleep an hour later if there’s nothing to do. I am still able to function without it and I have for years at a time and also take a month or a couple week break from time to time. Even though I can still be productive and complete the same tasks it’s just a lot more challenging in general to do so - especially when I have to sit in one place and focus on something which is also the reason I have noise cancelling headphones and like to work at night when there’s nobody around to distract me from my thoughts. I don’t plan on or want to take Adderall my entire life but at the same time the last 7 years of my life since I have been taking it regularly have been some of the most amazing ever in terms of finally feeling ‘normal’ and having a feeling of consistency and routine in which my thoughts aren’t scattered. It’s a general feeling of overall stability in which I’m able to keep myself centered on the path straight ahead versus a winding and twisting maze with constant forks in the road…basically.
The other thing I find really fucked up (while I’m at it..) as it relates to this entire situation I’ve found myself in currently is how much power is given to these ‘psychologists’ as it’s one of the most subjective ‘professions’ ever. When you combine this with someone like Jill who isn’t honest and already knows what they are seeking in terms of their desired ‘diagnosis’ it’s 100% guaranteed there in fact never exists a scenario in which they are unable to arrive at least somewhere close to their desired outcome. To think that sitting down with someone you’ve never met before for only two hours in the unpleasant setting of a meeting they’ve been forced to attend is somehow able to provide you with enough accurate and genuine information as to arrive at a ‘confirmed diagnosis’ that has such profound ramifications on an individuals life has to be one of the clearest definitions of ‘delusions of grandeur’ I can think of.
It’s mind boggling.
That’s enough though for now though…..I don’t want to keep you from finishing the story about how delusional, psychotic, and dangerous I am by rambling on with my incompetent, typewriter word salad
carry on…