My feeling is that Icke is one of the few that would be brave enough to touch your story, He'd be a great person to do an interview with. Maybe that's the way forward. Doing as many interviews as you can so your story can gain as much traction as possible. The more people that comprehend the gravity of your invention; how fake the news can be; how readily the news can be tested; how easy it is to be framed in 2024, the safer you are. IMO.
Hi, on top of my Max Igan warning, here are two more of the bigger Cointelpro-Shills-Spooks Controlled Opposition, but there are thousands of them, to spot them you need to know the agendas then 'judge a tree by it's fruit'. Thanks, great work, take it easy.
Pray for discernment, through the wisdom of Christ; ALL else... including this opinion, are not the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. — 1 Timothy 4:1 — Might that also be you? May TRUTH be Your Intended Purpose, as RETRIBUTION Will Come to all of us - no matter what you or I say now. Godspeed ✞🕊
Thanks for sharing Matt.
My feeling is that Icke is one of the few that would be brave enough to touch your story, He'd be a great person to do an interview with. Maybe that's the way forward. Doing as many interviews as you can so your story can gain as much traction as possible. The more people that comprehend the gravity of your invention; how fake the news can be; how readily the news can be tested; how easy it is to be framed in 2024, the safer you are. IMO.
Keep up the good fight man. <3
I would also recommend Greg Reese and Harrison Smith who have shown uncommon bravery in their reporting.
Hi, on top of my Max Igan warning, here are two more of the bigger Cointelpro-Shills-Spooks Controlled Opposition, but there are thousands of them, to spot them you need to know the agendas then 'judge a tree by it's fruit'. Thanks, great work, take it easy.
Pray for discernment, through the wisdom of Christ; ALL else... including this opinion, are not the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. — 1 Timothy 4:1 — Might that also be you? May TRUTH be Your Intended Purpose, as RETRIBUTION Will Come to all of us - no matter what you or I say now. Godspeed ✞🕊